Lane Filtering
“Lane filtering” is the process of a motorcyclist moving between two (2) lanes in the same direction to the front of traffic stopped at an intersection, and speeds of 45 mph and lower is legal.
Watch this example of lane filtering created by the Layton PD.
Motorcycles can only filter when:
- You are on a roadway, or an off-ramp, divided into two (2) or more adjacent traffic lanes in the same direction of travel.
- You are on a roadway with a speed limit of 45 MPH or less, or an off-ramp. Lane filtering is not permitted on an on-ramp.
- Your traveling speed is 15 MPH or less.
- The vehicle you are overtaken in the same lane must be stopped.
Lane filtering is a choice and can present unique safety challenges for the inexperienced rider. If riders choose to lane filter, always use extreme caution.