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Alcohol-Restricted Driver Information (ARD)

The “Alcohol-Restricted Driver” Law (UCA 41-6a-529) affects you when you have been convicted, suspended, or revoked for one (1) of the offenses listed below. As an alcohol-restricted driver, you will retain full driving privileges, except you are prohibited from having alcohol in your system when driving.

  1. Driving under the influence (DUI) – (UCA 41-6a-502)
  2. Per Se Arrest – (UCA 53-3-223)
  3. Refusal to submit to a chemical test resulting in an administrative revocation – (UCA 41-6a-520)
  4. Alcohol-related reckless driving – (UCA 41-6a-528)
  5. Automobile homicide – (UCA 76-5-207)
  6. Alcohol restricted driver violation – (UCA 41-6a-530)
  7. Ignition interlock violation – (UCA 41-6a-518.2)

A conviction for a refusal to submit a chemical test (UCA 41-6a-521.1)


What is an “Alcohol-Restricted” driving privilege?
You must not drive with any alcohol in your system.

How long will I be alcohol-restricted?

  • A driver under the age of 21 is considered to be alcohol-restricted.
  • Two (2) years for the first conviction for DUI or alcohol-related reckless driving.
  • Two (2) years for a Per Se arrest.
  • Three (3) years for a conviction for an alcohol-restricted driver violation.
  • Three (3) years for a conviction for an ignition interlock violation.
  • Five (5) years for the first arrest for administrative refusal to submit to a chemical test.
  • Five (5) years for conviction of a first offense of refusal to submit to a chemical test.
  • Five (5) years for the first conviction for DUI or alcohol-related reckless driving if you are 21 years of age or older and have a passenger in your vehicle who is under 16 years of age.
  • Ten (10) years for a second conviction for DUI or alcohol-related reckless driving or a second arrest for a refusal to submit to a chemical test within ten (10) years of a first offense.
  • Ten (10) years for a conviction of a second or subsequent offense of refusal to submit to a chemical test.
  • Lifetime for felony DUI or automobile homicide.

Will this constraint show on my driver license?
No, this restriction will be indicated on your driving history.  Law enforcement and the courts will have access to this information electronically.

How will this affect my driving privilege?
You must not drive with any alcohol in your system.  The restriction begins on the conviction date of a citation for DUI, alcohol-related reckless driving, automobile homicide, or the effective date of a suspension or revocation for Per Se arrest or refusal to submit to a chemical test.  Once you are eligible to reinstate your driving privilege, the alcohol restriction will remain in effect until the time period has expired.

What will happen if I violate the alcohol-restricted license law?
A conviction for violating the “Alcohol-Restricted” license law will result in a one (1) year revocation of your driving privilege.

Since being licensed in another state, how will this affect me?
Although you are not currently licensed in the state of Utah, your privilege to drive in this state is affected by this law.  The alcohol restriction period will apply as listed above if you are driving in Utah, regardless of the state in which you are licensed.  If convicted for a violation of UCA 41-6a-530, your Utah driving privilege will be revoked for a period of one (1) year.